Friday, September 23, 2011


wat do u think about it?????????|||Should be the absolute last option on the table. I see war as a failed diplomacy.|||"HUH! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing."

Sorry, just had to be done.|||Sh*t happens...Stupid humans. Someone has to deal with it so we have militaries.

apemen packs used to fight a few million years ago so it won't go away.|||I believe that war is good and neccesary.

without it we'd be a sad, sorry lot indeed.|||Sucks. Wish we had better diplomats, political leaders, and intelligence sharing among agencies.|||war is good! war is good! kill the enemy! kill the enemy!|||A famous scientist of the 18 cent. once said that the only thing to prevent overpopulation (like nothing we've seen before) is war, famine and disease. I think Charles Lyell said that.

But with unremarkable advances in medicine and health, two of those factors are gone, leaving war.

War is an undeniable, inevitable, action where as long as humans exist will always be expressed. It is simply a disagreement btwn two or more peoples in power who threaten the global security, and there is always the hero who saves, the day, only to be thanked years later.|||All countries are founded by war, and run by war. What do you think the Liberal media would cover without the Iraq war, the Troubles (back in the day), Russian Revolution, the World Wars?

"Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal"

- Tupac|||War is the continuation of politics by other means. - Clausewitz

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