Friday, September 23, 2011

What is the longest war ever recorded in history?

I would like to know the longest and fierces battle in history. What I have in mind is the Vietnam war, which I suppose lasted for 25 years, if I'm not mistaken. Is this accurate?|||Vietnam - 1959 to April 30, 1975

The longest named conflict that I know of was indeed a religions war

The Reconquista (English: Reconquest) was the seven-and-a-half century long process by which Christians reconquered the Iberian peninsula (modern Portugal and Spain) from the Muslim and Moorish states of Al-Ándalus (Arabic الأندلس — al-andalus). The Umayyad conquest of Hispania from the Visigoths occurred during the early 8th century, and it is commonly held that the Reconquista began almost immediately, in 722, with the Battle of Covadonga, and was completed in 1492, with the Conquest of Granada.

In 1236 the last Muslim stronghold of Granada under Mohammed ibn Alhamar was subjugated by Ferdinand III of Castile, and Granada became a vassal state of the Christian kingdom for the next 250 years. On January 2, 1492, the last Muslim ruler, Abu 'abd Allah Muhammad XII (also known as Boabdil of Granada), surrendered to Ferdinand and Isabella, Los Reyes Católicos ("The Catholic Monarchs"). This resulted in the creation of united Roman Catholic nation encompassing most of modern day Spain. Navarre remained separate until 1512.

The Portuguese Reconquista culminated in 1249 with the subjugation of the Algarve (Arabic الغرب — Al-gharb) by king Afonso III.

Overall the long meta conflict involving Christianity and its offshoots and competitors is probably the longest and is still ongoing|||Gender War

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|||The middle east has been going for 2000 years and counting.|||It was the Three Hundred and Thrity Five Year War. That's the longest war and it was fought between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly|||religious war, oil war.|||It was %26amp; always will be the Gore/Bush war!|||I think you witnessed the start of it on 9-11-01 (Muslim extremists Vs. the western world). However, I hope I'm wrong.|||War Between the Sexes.

Still going on as we speak.|||The Hundred Year War in Europe|||Vietnam lasted something like 7 or 8 years i believe, not 25.|||Vietnam War was fought from 1959 to 1975. Not 25 years.|||How about the "Hundred Years' War"? It actually lasted 116 years. Not sure if that is the longest but it is certainly a good contender. In more than six thousand years of "recorded" history I'm sure the the Vietnam war doesn't even rank in the top 20.

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