Mr. McCain had unfortunate and sad experiences in being shot down, imprisoned, and tortured. However, his patriotism was misplaced, the same way it is for the Iraq war and running for the presidency. Fighting a war 12,000 miles away from the USA in southeast Asia to support our French allies, and to sooth paranoia concerning the spread of communism is not just cause to have killed millions of poor people.|||I can't believe what I'm reading. I'm willing to bet that none of the babies who are whining about Vietnam were around during that conflict.
That kid who whimpered that the only heroes are dead is absolutely out of line. He's not worthy to kiss the ground on which soldiers marched.
I was there. I felt the life slip out of a buddy I was holding in my arms. He was a good man, and I loved him like a brother. But I don't think of him as a hero just because he died. There are guys who saved my bacon more than once. A lot of them are alive. And they're heroes to me. I know guys who fought for freedom for a people who lost it and would respect getting it back. They're heroes. I know guys who fought in spite of the "support back home" of people like yourselves, laying their lives on the line every day. Some didn't make it home. But they're all heroes. I know guys who survived the war, got out, fought public opinion and managed to eke out a living, raise families and live normal lives in spite of the "love of a grateful nation" which "love" slammed doors in their face. Those are heroes too. And lest we forget the families who feared every day that they might get "the letter," and those whose fears were realized. They're heroes too, in my book.
You don't have to do something momentous to be a hero. You don't have to give your life to be a hero. Sometime all it takes is to survive.
I'm sick up to here of people who make absolute statements that are based entirely on ignorance, and as if those statements were facts, use them as a basis of argument.
I'm a Veteran of Vietnam. Were I, and the other returning Vietnam Vets, as bad as you and those of your ilk think, there wouldn't be a protester alive today. We're not as bad as they said, and they knew it. Otherwise they wouldn't have had the courage to say some of the stuff they said, and do some of the stuff they did.
"Unethical," "immoral," "illegal," "evil," and such tags are just the excuses for cowardice. What they mean is, "I don't want to go. I don't want to serve my country. I'll take whatever I can get from it. I'll abuse the privileges of citizenship. But I'm going to let somebody else pick up the bill."
People condemn us for fighting an enemy half way around the world. They complain about the millions of lives lost. Would they prefer we fight the enemy here? Would they prefer the millions of lives lost be American? Would they prefer to be among them?
"Fight the enemy here? North Vietnam didn't have anything to do with the US." Where do you think a country of farmers got their weapons, equipment, supplies, and training? We weren't just fighting the North Vietnamese. We were fighting Russia and China -- just like in Korea about 10 years earlier.
Some say that they'd join the military when the enemy attacks us -- when the enemy is marching up their streets. Now, there's an intelligent idea! If the enemy is marching up your street, he'll have eliminated our Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, our National Guard, all our Reserves, our missile defenses, the CIA and FBI, all our law enforcement agencies, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, EVERYBODY capable of protecting or aiding him. And this yellow-belly will suddenly find courage? It takes about 2 months to get a non-combatant to a point where they represent minimal danger to themselves or to those with whom they serve. It takes another couple of months to training you in a specialty. Do these wannabe heroes really the enemy is going to halt his march while they go learn how to be soldiers? They'll be dead before they can pick up a rock to throw.
Legal Disclaimer: Same as SGT Big Red's|||Anybody that serves their country in time of war is a hero, those that do not. well they can sit in the corner of life and rot.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The answer hereto provided within, is not intended to be of a derogatory, defamatory or slanderous response to either the editor or those who have responded to the aforementioned question. It is simply MY OPINION, LIVE WITH IT!|||Wm D, you must be young, because you entire question is false.|||No, we were fighting on behalf of the democratically elected government of South Vietnam against a CONCERTED effort by North Vietnam, China, and the Soviet Union to topple it. Iraq isn't ANYTHING at all like Vietnam. Back during the Cold War, as paranoid as it sounds, the Communists were really trying to take over the entire world, and would support any government/organization the furthered that aim. Vietnam was their focal point after 1960. How could we not have supported the South when the North's weapons, tanks, and aircraft were being replaced on a 2 for 1 basis by China/Soviet Union? In fact, our greatest sin there was leaving the South Vietnamese to be overrun without any financial/logistical support from us after 1972. China and the Soviet Union were better allies than we were...|||yes, last time i checked defending an ally ( South Vietnam) against an invading country ( North Vietnam) is considered to be justified.|||Do you really think he had a choice over whether or not he wanted to fight on Vietnam??
Do you think if my chief told me I was going to be deployed in Iraq I can say, "No thanks, I'd rather stay here." ??
Get a clue!!|||For Starters:There really aren't many War Hero's living.The True Hero's were killed in action saving others.You have your right to your opinions about War,because of those real Hero's.Since you are only able to try to get people to agree with your opinion ,by posting it on this forum,I am guessing that you aren't really a" man of the world" so to speak.If you were involved in protesting that action or have served in our Military during War time,then I apologize.I think that anyone that Serves Our Country ,and Doesn't Run away to another Country is really a Hero in some way.Those that See Action are also Heroes of a higher Caliber.Those That give their lives Are Hero's with the Highest Standing Possible.|||Get a life idiot, it was Lcdr McCain and many more like him putting on the uniform of his country that preserves your right to print your Feces in a Public forum by the way you weren't one of those long haired maggot infested fm types that were tossing bags of poop at us returning Sailors at the L.A. airport in '72 were you? well here's a little bit back Puke!|||you must believe a lot the mews media tells you or study Jane Fonda's material.|||Why do some Americans berate their own troops over Vietnam?
If you want to blame someone for the Vietnam War, try the Presidents that started and maintained it ! Blame Kissinger for the Bombing of Cambodia !
WHY IS IT THAT Politicians start these damn wars but us soldiers end up carrying the can for them?
No doubt that Bush will live to a ripe old age whilst more of your and our troops will die .
Politicans start wars, not the military. Politicians also decide how these wars will be fought...hence thats why everything always drags on for years.
You should be proud of your Nam vets. They were sent to do an impossible job.|||Why not go ask him. He is 70 years old but I'll bet he can take you.|||oh you're one of those. Perhaps you can vacation and stay at the Hanoi Hilton. As for the Fonda Discount.|||"Unethical and Immoral" is your opinion. Furthermore, he follows orders, not designates where the military goes.
Are you related to Jane Fonda by chance?
PS- Good answer gugliamo00!|||I always thought a hero had to do something. I was always under the impression that being a pilot and getting shot down qualified McCain as a pow, not a hero. He was a pow, and a survivor, but a war hero?
Given that John Wayne, and other movie stars are often listed as American heros, I guess the general standard is lower than mine.|||i am very proud of the men that were in vietnam and any other war we were or are in,have you ever served or are you one who likes to gripe and wait for someone else to defend you.our soliders fight and die for us and you just ask who should be a hero.they are all hero's .|||You have a good grasp of McCain you just need his plane crash history from Florida to ice the cake. I was Republican but since he wants Illegals to take my job I am Independent now.
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