Sunday, September 18, 2011

What are the cons of war or why is it considered bad?

I am writing a paper about why war is bad. Does anyone have any ideas why war may be considered a bad idea. I have two pages, however I am short with additional ideas.|||1) Casualties of military personnel on both sides. Death tolls.

2) Civilian lives are almost always endangered, no matter how careful the forces at war are.

3) War prevents diplomatic solutions.

4) War sometimes skews the democratic process-- as people often rally around right-wing heads of state, right-wing people have often sought war simply to win an election (Example: Margaret Thatcher in the Falklands War).

5) War creates long-lasting xenophobia in some cases (Germany; The Middle East). This can lead to racism, which is always bad.

6) It often makes nations unpopular in the world (The U.S.A.)

7) International Law is often broken in times of war.

8) War distracts both politicians and civilians from domestic issues. The economy, production of domestic products, and civil rights are often pushed aside for the "greater good" in war, which can do lasting damage.

9) Property, both state and individual, is damaged horrendously (Example: France after World War One).

10) It costs a huge amount of money, both to state coffers and the individuals in tax.

11) Punishments exacted after wars are often overly harsh and cause resentment (Example: The treaties of Versailles and Trianon after WW1).

AND YET, war is sometimes necessary. Rarely. But sometimes.|||people die, there is inflation, it is not right, there will be innocent people dying including women and children, there is shortage of food and water, it ruins families because a brother might kill a brother if they are on opposite sides (like the civil war) or if a family member dies in a war, the rest of the family will be depressed or commit suicide, it hurts a government, if a country is invaded and taken over (like world war 2) the lives of so many people's lives get changed like a curfew, strict rule ect. and also there is mass genocide like the holocaust and we must never let that ever happen again

good luck on your paper and hope this helps:)|||Well, in addition to the casualties incurred, it costs us billions of dollars. Considering our current economy, it isn't surprising that people resent the fact that so much money is being spent on efforts overseas.鈥?/a>

There is a breakdown on the money we spend in the current conflict in Iraq, if you want more info on the subject.|||war is the sword of a political will|||people die|||people die and property gets destroyed.

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