Thursday, September 15, 2011

What war did you lose your friends in, and was that war important?

When I think back over the war where I lost my classmates and neighbors and friends, I think that it was a waste of their lives, and America gained nothing from it.

What was "your war," and was it worth it to have fought that war?|||There is always the chance that we may gain something from every war even postumously so to speak. Like the uselessness of many of them.

I never lost a friend in war except the ones I'd yet to meet.

My war was Vietnam and it was a lie from the get go just as the past five wars have been. I discovered that thirty percent of every states income is derived from the Military Industial Complex and just a Eisenhaur warned against, it has taken over the machinery of industry. Without war Blackwater would not have gained the billions of dollars it has. And when it was discovered that they were cheating the government and ruthlessly killing on their own terms the moved the company to Dubai where there is not oversight commitee to hold them to anything.

It was not worth a thing to fight in Vietnam except to discover the face of deceit and idiocy of the government and the people who make up the citizenry of the US. Those of us who found they could get away with murdering people for the thrill of it are still free in this country living like good citizens with only their conscience awaiting their attention. One day, when they turn there they will be brought to their knees.

Namaste'|||A friend and classmate was one of 37 sailors killed when two Iraqi Exocet missiles struck the USS Stark on May 17, 1987. This was during the Iran-Iraq war. There are still unanswered questions concerning this attack... At first, it was thought the Stark was inside the war zone, then it was determined differently, but who really knows? The government tells us what they want us to hear.

The son of a former county commissioner was one of 28 soldiers killed on February 25, 1991 when an Iraqi SCUD missile struck the barracks of the 14th Quartermaster. I didn't know the boy well, but I saw what this did to his mother, and carried her feelings with me when my own son enlisted at the start of this second pointless Gulf war. Nothing scares a mother more than watching your son get his driver's license or go off to war...

Everyone was feeling patriotic after 9/11, but not so much now, with the mess this country is in. I can't see where we've gained anything. We've incurred enormous debt, have earned the reputation of being bullies, and are fodder for jokes as we've become the world's laughingstock.|||Mine started against the world (cliche, I know) when I was eight, around 8:30 in the morning, when my teacher left the room crying because she lost someone when the first tower got hit. And I was just talking to my mother about this. How coincidental.|||WW2 i am a survivor Of hitlers Blitz on London

and it was all a waste of Life Just so that corporate USA and wall St could Make Money By putting Hitler in Power

and then we had to pay for it with Lend lease Yes all a waste

for the British|||Vietnam.

Really still not sure.|||Vietnam

Worthless waste.


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