Thursday, September 15, 2011

What war movie will discourage anyone from joining the military?

What war movie will discourage anyone from joining the military?|||If someone is really considering joining the military the chances of scaring them out is very low. It takes a specific type of person to desire the military. Showing them a military movie will only encourage them.

The action, trust, respect, and brotherhood that is involved in the military and military movies will encourage that person and really make them desire to be part of something bigger than themselves.


Maybe you could convince him to join a particular part of the military that would allow him to serve his country yet still be safe. An example of this would be the Navy or Air Force. The Navy and Air Force, in my opinion, are probably the safest branches in the military at the moment.

The military has a huge variety of jobs available. Many of them don't involve combat. The possibilities are enormous.

The following website has some good information on different types of jobs:

The above website has some general information but you should do some more research on different military jobs that you think he might enjoy.

Good luck ^^|||Dead Presidents.

There was a scene in it that was really, really gross and scared me sh*tless. It was in Vietnam, and a US soldier got ambushed, sliced open to where his guts all fell out, and his genitals cut off and placed in his mouth for his comrades to see. He was still alive when they found him, but died shortly thereafter.

Made me really scared of being captured. That, plus the internet video of the Russian soldier in Afghanistan who got his head cut off real slowly with the knife.|||full metal jacket (because of the boot camp scenes). chuck Norris-missing in action (torture scenes). a very long engagement (brutality of war).|||Johnny Got His Gun, which is one man's struggle with major war wounds that left him unable to move or communicate.|||None.

Movies are movies. Reality is reality.|||The news. Period.|||You trying to scare someone out of joining?|||All Quiet on the Western Front|||Saving Private Ryan or Full Metal Jacket|||Stripes

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