I would want know about the live of those people during that time? were you here already at that time? how were you? or were you in the war? how did you feel about this war? what is your opinions of the V-war and the Iraq war?|||I'll answer for my parents. They live in Vietnam at the time. There lives were bad because they were farmers and their farm got taken from them so they work on a Communist own land. My great grandfather was executed for refusing to leave his own land. My dad's father was marry to 3 other womens and he had a fun non-education life. My mom was the oldest out of 17 child in her family. The oldest die when he was 2 of a fever. She had a hard time taking care of the family since her father was always off in the war. Many times have news came that her father was KIA but it turn out to be a false report. It would scare there family half to death everytime.
The Communist try to force my dad to enlist since at the time, every able young boy is suppose to be a military personnel when they are a teen. My mom wanted to be a teacher but she couldn't because she was from the farmer class. She was lucky because of her grades at school, they let her into some Communist work.
My mom was in the country side and she told me a story once about be fire upon by US troops mistaking her for a VIet Cong. They were supported of the war because they want to kick the Viet Congs out of their country South Vietnam and end the Communist threat up north. The risk their lives to fled the countries. They were lucky since they weren't the ones who try escaping the way into Cambodia where those people got massacre. There were pirates who attack ships with refugees on that too. It took them over 7 years to reach the United States. When they got there, they had nothing. They work hard and help their familes get over here to the United States. My mom's family would have all killed since her father helped the United States during the war. Now, I'm living a good life not caring for what they did and what they live throught cause I'm a spoil American.
My family and my opinion on the Iraq War and Vietnam War is that it has almost the same effect on the people.|||i wasnt in the war, tried to inlist but my eyes were too bad i couldnt pass the physical. but i am glad. after i discovered why the war was being fought i was totally aganist it.just as i am totally aganist this war.but they were decent times to live in you didnt make a lot of money but prices were low i think gas was around 20cents a gallonheating oil was about the same.i think i was more satisfied with my life back then.it was a slower paced life .|||my brother was in that war, he was way older than me. I was only 16 at the time but I did support our country and troops. I did say the pledge of allegiance each morning in my class when no one else would. It was a hard time, I hope the people who did not support our troops at that time and spit on them, like Jane Fonda ...are sorry now.
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