Saturday, October 1, 2011

Is war monger Obama and the rest of the Democrats to blame for the shootings at Ft Hood yesterday?

After promising to bring all troops home, these WAR MONGERS keep MONGERING on in 2 MONGERING wars causing too much stress for the MONGERS at home.

Sound familiar Liberals?|||The Fort Hood incident would never have happened if 0bama would have kept his promise to withdraw from the Middle East.|||I'm a conservative, and I don't believe Obama was at fault for the shootings at Ft. Hood.

However, I do believe that Obama is too soft on the Muslims, and that his Islamic tendencies have lead him to make bad decisions regarding both the war in the Middle East and at home.|||I suppose pinning the responsibility of such actions upon the perpetrator (and any possible psychological afflictions) is simply too much to ask from reactionaries who look for convenient scapegoats.|||I've got a question right here, just for you:;鈥?/a>|||Yes. War mongers keep making our country more unsafe and unstable by the day. Obama is the same as George W Bush.|||your own fingers|||Yes! He should have never decided to invade Iraq and Afghanistan! Oops, wait a minute...

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