Saturday, October 1, 2011

What are some examples of foreign influence in a civil war?

What are some examples of foreign influence in a civil war? Foreign countries sometimes get involved in civil wars, don't they? How many foreign troops can get involved before people deny it's still a civil war? Wouldn't just one be enough?|||Great Britain, United States,Ireland, France, Canada and other countries all intervened in the Russian Civil War of 1918 - 1920.

The main reason the Spanish Republic lost the Spanish Civil War of 1936 - 1939, was because the U. S., Great Britain, and France remained neutral while Germany and Italy sent massive aid to the fascist rebellion.


Although the Neutrality Act prevented Americans from selling any weapons of war to Spain, it did not apply to food or oil and massive quantities of oil were actually sent to the fascist rebels in Spain by American oil companies such as Texas Oil.|||Over the decades there has been way too many civil wars %26amp; too much blood spilt.|||Many Englishmen were involved in the Greek Civil War

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