Sunday, September 18, 2011

How likely is the war in Afghanistan would possibly turn into another Vietnam?

It seems like a war that is very hard to win and I am not sure we really have support of the Afghan people. How ugly could it get if we stay long term to win the war?|||Well since we've been there for 7 years and were still under 1,000 deaths I'd say it will never be close to being like vietnam.

People are so weak now adays,|||None.|||100% likely! In fact it could spell the end of the American Empire, just as it did when the Soviet Union tried to do the same thing. The Ironic thing about this is that the CIA (with tax payer money) supported and trained the resistance fighters in Afghanistan to fight the USSR during the "cold war" and now we are fighting against those very same tactics used by the resistance fighters that the CIA taught them, and loosing. We should learn from history but it seems we always forget it to our own detriment. It looks like we are doomed to repeat the history which has lead to the collapse of many great powers. America's project of Empire %26amp; world domination will be seen in the future as the greatest fools errand in history, since history has proven that the project always fails and every Empire that's tried it has collapsed as a result. America will be seen by historians in the future as the greatest fool in history for trying once again what has been proven by history to fail every time!|||you americans will get what's coming to ya

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