Friday, September 23, 2011


ok so why are we at war w/ iraq

besides 9-11??????????

im so confused|||To shore up Israel's security - specifically by putting pressure on Syria.

Here's the original paper, written by Bush senior defense officials Richard Perle and Doug Feith back in 1996 when they were consulting for the Israeli government.

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq 锟?an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right 锟?as a means of foiling Syria锟絪 regional ambitions. Jordan has challenged Syria's regional ambitions recently by suggesting the restoration of the Hashemites in Iraq. This has triggered a Jordanian-Syrian rivalry to which Asad has responded by stepping up efforts to destabilize the Hashemite Kingdom, including using infiltrations. Syria recently signaled that it and Iran might prefer a weak, but barely surviving Saddam, if only to undermine and humiliate Jordan in its efforts to remove Saddam."

Richard Perle was also a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century, a group of neoconservatives from which a large number took senior roles in the Bush state and defense establishments (including Libby and Armitage, two of the traitors who leaked Valerie Plame's classified CIA role to the press). Oh, and Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Khalilzad, and others.鈥?/a>

Doug Feith was the man in charge of the Office of Special Plans, the Pentagon office responsible for manipulating intelligence on Iraq before the war. Feith resigned shortly after his organization was incriminated in the AIPAC espionage scandal - releasing classified documents to guess who - Israel. He also served in the Reagan administration - until he was forced out for releasing classified documents to - guess who - Israel.

People who have been foreign agents or who have lobbied on behalf of a foreign government should NEVER be in such positions of power. Period.

9/11 was a smokescreen. The 9/11 commission correctly identified the principal national sponsors of Al Qaeda as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the UAE - all 3 Bush's top "allies" in the war on terror. Iraq, and Iran, and Syria had no role.

WMD was a smokescreen. Back when Saddam was using chemical weapons in the 1980's, he was a U.S. ally using U.S. technology, fighting our common enemy Iran. And no solid evidence of an ongoing WMD program which posed any threat has ever been produced.

Human rights were a smokescreen. The vast majority of deaths attributable to Saddam occurred during or shortly after the Iran-Iraq war - again when he was supported by the U.S. Republicans opposed intervention in Rwanda or Sudan when a million or more were being slaughtered.

Oil played a role, but less important than the overall potential for dramatically escalated military spending, black-hole contracts, graft, and patronage jobs.|||because we are the defenders of liberty and the iraqi people were being mass murdered and tortured by a tyrannical leader, who would not hesistate to fund terrorists wich he did|||911 doesn't have anything to do with it! And I'm confused too, show me somebody who isn't confused! I suppose the only person who really knows why we are at war with Iraq is Bush. And good luck getting a straight answer out of him!|||The public reason? Sources thought Iraq was building up weapons of mass destruction to use against the USA %26amp; the western world, and was harboring terrorists. The terrorist connection has been referred to ever since, despite that the people who attacked us on 9/11 were Saudis lead by an Afghani. Once the WMD's weren't found, the message changed to "we're liberating the Iraqi people" (despite that we haven't liberated many equally downtrodden people in many other countries). Then it was that if we pull out, Iraq will collapse "and the terrorists will win."

You're right that something's not making sense here. Some people think Bush always wanted to go into Iraq, because his father didn't take Bagdhad. But that's not been proven by any means. There are also theories about Israel and about oil influencing the administration's decision.

Maybe the history books will be able to figure it out.|||To do what Sir Lawrence of Arabia could not. Our goal is to establish a stable Democratic government is a region which has never known peace, or stability.|||i think it's the ambitions of the goverment to take control of the middle-east country who got a lot of oil source... so they can control the price of oil in the world.. that's the only reason i could think about|||If you are that confused maybe its too late for you. We went at war with Iraq for numerous reasons. One being WMDs which werent found but DID exist. They were moved out of Iraq. Plain and simple. We arent at war with Iraq really either right now, which shows you really dont have a clue, or you are just listening to too many liberals. We are at war with terrorism and insurgents in Iraq, who are being aided by countries like Iran and Syria. This Islamic revolution is starting to unfold and it is either now or never that we continue to fight against them, both here in the US and over seas. This is not something that can be dealt with diplomatically. You cant "talk" with people that vow to kill us. As to Iraq again, it had to be done. Wether you believe in the WMDs or not, the intelligence pointed to their existence. We made nothing up. The liberals were behind this cause back then as well, and now chose to bash Bush because they are ignorant, pathetic fools. They probably think Iran's president is a man of peace and can be reasoned with. Hmmm, the same guy that thinks the holocaust was made up. The same guy that vows for the destruction of Israel. The next few years will determine a lot of things. Perhaps the end of the world. Maybe the bible is real and the end times are really upon us. Would it really surprise anyone seeing how much hate and death is in our world now?|||That's one of the more controversial issues of the day. I personally believe that the Iraq war was initiated to: a- increase the profits of Haliburton and their ilk, and b- to gain control of the oil in Iraq, But the truth is we will probably never know for sure.|||Because Sadam violated the cease fire agreement from Desert Storm (the first Iraq war). He gave every indication that he was persuing (if not producing) weapons of mass destruction. Remember he kicked out the inspectors from the IAEA/UN. That is on top of being a tyrannical, murdering thug.

I think it has changed since the beginning of the war though. Now we MUST WIN to keep Iran from taking the country over. This is a MAJOR battle for the future of mankind. It is more than just a war between two countries. Man will either be free or live under Sharia law. The Islamofacists will not share the planet with "infidels" in peace.|||The USA has been a fascist mercantile empire since 1913; specifically since the "Federal" Reserve Bank was given the power to print money and hold debts in pretty-much secret private banks using our Income Tax as its fuel.

This fascist mercantile empire was created by globalist bankers who've now pretty much taken over the world.

This scenario was predicted/feared by people like George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, et al., and we went and fell for it anyway.

This means that war is a way to crush free markets, move opinions, absorb excess fiat capital and create debts (which they of course own).|||- Saddam had 12 years and 17 UN Resolutions compelling him to give up his WMD projects.

- After 9/11, the US government was concerned that the WMD would fall into terrorist hands.

- Saddam would give $20,000 to each Palestinian family of a suicide bomber, so he was funding terroism.

- Saddam also gave safe heaven o two major terrorists (Abu Nidal, and Abu Abbas). Both were living in Baghdad as guests of Saddam Hussein. Abu Abbas was the the leade rof the Achille Lauro hijacking, where and elderly American wheelchair bound man was shot in the head and thrown over the side of the cruise ship.

Saddam used WMD on 15 documented occasions:

- Haij Umran Mustard August 1983 fewer than 100 Iranian/Kurdish

- Panjwin Mustard October-November 1983 3,000 Iranian/Kurdish

- Majnoon Island Mustard February-March 1984 2,500 Iranians

- al-Basrah Tabun March 1984 50-100 Iranians

- Hawizah Marsh Mustard %26amp; Tabun March 1985 3,000 Iranians

- al-Faw Mustard %26amp; Tabun February 1986 8,000 to 10,000 Iranians

- Um ar-Rasas Mustard December 1986 1,000s Iranians

- al-Basrah Mustard %26amp; Tabun April 1987 5,000 Iranians

- Sumar/Mehran Mustard %26amp; nerve agent October 1987 3,000 Iranians

- Halabjah Mustard %26amp; nerve agent March 1988 7,000s Kurdish/Iranian

- al-Faw Mustard %26amp; nerve agent April 1988 1,000s Iranians

- Fish Lake Mustard %26amp; nerve agent May 1988 100s or 1,000s Iranians

- Majnoon Islands Mustard %26amp; nerve agent June 1988 100s or 1,000s Iranians

- South-central border Mustard %26amp; nerve agent July 1988 100s or 1,000s Iranians

- an-Najaf-Karbala area Nerve agent %26amp; CS March 1991 Shi鈥檃 casualties not known

The US went to the UN one final time to compel Saddam to give up his arsenal or be invaded. Saddam did not comply and no one really knows where all the stockpiles went to. It took over 1 year before the US invaded.

We must remember that the US is not entirely innocent. The US contributed to this because in 1979 - 1980, Americans were held hostage in Iran for over 400 days. American secretly backed Iraq in their war against Iran.|||9-11 doesn't have anything at all to do with the iraq war. The story is long but we've been fighting with the "middle east" for years and the "middle east" has been fighting for a thousand years. I know this is hard to understand so I suggest you read this book called "The thousand year war with the middle east and how it effects you today." Find it at|||Alot of reasons im sure.....

Well for one ,disregarding the fact that we never FOUND any WMD's, it has been PROVEN that saddam gassed tens of thousands of Kerds years back.

With countries like France ILLEGALLY selling weapons to Iraq right in our face, it kind of makes peace talks ddifficult.

Secondly, What was the U.N created for? TO PROMOTE WORLD PEACE....that is their main objective. Well...the U.N does a crappy job. It is the 21st century. There is absolutly no excuse for the WORLD not just America and our Allies to allow a regime to exsist that has a leader that kills and tortures its own citizens.

Third, if we can stabalize Iraq and make them a self-sufficient country, then we will have 2 huge allies in the middle east, and that is a very large victory against terrorism.

Fourth, think about what borders Iraq. IRAN!!!!!!No doubt they are next on our hit-list and rightfully so. They have said they are going to (and i quote)"wipe Israel of the map". They are making nuclear weapons and arent doing a good job hiding it. Iraq would be a great place to stage the war from.

Fifth, if you actually believe we are going to "steal" their oil you are a complete moron. Our whole economy depends on us BUYING oil....If we didnt other countries could not afford to buy our exports...there goes the world economy.

Sixth, back to Iran for a sec, after we defeat them alot of countries that are pursuing nuclear weapons like N Korea , will probably start to get nervous and will be pushed into peace talks....we DONT want to go to N Korea that wouldnt be pretty.....we would win, but we would get a bit banged up in that one.

SO basically that is all i can think of hope I helped ya out|||From my point of view

1)it is because to protect American hemegony in middle east,

If Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait,Bahrain are not in alliance with US oil company definitely their fate similar for those of Iraqis 2)absolute reign over the depleted valuable natural resources - oil.Iraq have a lot of oil last to hundred of years.

3)establish a puppet government in favor of American imperial- Shiite.

4)impose divide and rule policy - current issue contributing towards that. American do nothing to increase solidarity between Iraqis people of different sect because it not favour them. They just fuel the havoc by being one-sided. If they claimed to be best democracy restorer they must have implement Win People Heart Policy but they do not bother the destruction of Iraq.Oil is the main priority. They know it that The unity of Iraqis people only put an end to the US invasion.

5)eliminate potential threat over the Middle East - in this case it is Iran.

6)to protect Israel "sovereignity" over its Robbed Territory from being nuked and resistance from Palestine terrorist which said being assisted by Saddam regime.

7)the test field for the new military invention. Civilian a cheat and perfect target.

See how virtous are they. Civilised? Democratic? What a hypocrite disguise.............

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